Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Reviews - they are absolutely priceless

Very knowledgable

“Native Air has been a great help to us in replacing old units and getting someone here quickly for repairs. Their work has been great and they have easily answered any questions concerning our systems. Everyone I speak with whether on the phone or here on site have been pleasant and very knowledgeable. I would recommend Native Air to anyone looking for a good heating & air company.”
Allen R. - Derek Prince Ministries

Reliable and trust worthy

“We would like to thank Native Air for always doing a great job for us! Our first call to them was to do some work after our house had been inspected for selling. They came out promptly and explained what needed to be done with a reasonable cost. When we bought our new home, they came out and inspected the HVAC system there stating everything was performing properly. We appreciate their honest and hard work. We would recommend this company as they are reliable and trust worthy!”

Roby & Dana B.

World class service

“These guys are awesome! From the technicians all the up to the owner, they are friendly, professional and provide world class service. Having your HVAC serviced or replaced can be stressful but you won’t lose sleep if you pick Native Air!”
Matt H.

Friendly and respectful

“Had my furnace and outdoor unit changed and relocated. Everyone that spent time on this project including the owner was very friendly and respectful in all aspects. Everything on the job was done professional and clean.”

Jonathan D.

Quick to respond

“We have been a customer of Native Air for many years and have been completely satisfied with the service we have received. Native air is quick to respond to any issues that arise and they are proactive regarding any potential problems seen during our scheduled maintenance. The staff is always friendly and professional. I would highly recommend Native Air for all your air and heating needs.”
Melanie J. - Ashley Women's Center

Easy to work with

“As a commercial property management company that oversees numerous retail, office and industrial sites in North and South Carolina, it is imperative that I work with an HVAC company that I can trust. Native Air has been instrumental in helping us provide our tenants with reliable heating and air systems for over 10 years. Shannon, Trevor, Desiree, John and the rest of the Native Air crew are all so easy to work with. They are attentive, professional, reliable and, without a doubt, my go to company for all our HVAC needs.”

Tonia C. - Vantage Realty, LLC

Exceptional customer care

“I have been a customer of Native Air for approximately 8+ years and they continue to be my choice for good service and prices. Their employees are exceptional for customer care and great service.”

Brenda S.

Reasonable prices

“The technician came out on the coldest night of the year to fix my furnace after 8:00 PM. Charged me a reasonable price, got my heat running, and made me a happy happy customer. ”
Mark S.
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